Q: What is a terminal?
A: It is a device by which the computer operator can communicate with
the computer. In simple words computer is controlled by the terminal.
Q: What are the advantages of Remote Terminal?
A: A big computer can be connected by different terminals placed at
various stations. This saves time and money, and with only one computer many
users can share the time of computer by having only a remote terminal.
Q: How many terminals can be
attached with a Computer?
A: Many computers can be attached, as a computer has got a very high
speed so it can give the required time to all the terminals.
Q: How are the remote terminals are attached with the computer?
A: By drawing cables or by telephone lines. Connection through
telephone lines is more suitable as it cuts the expanses drastically.
Q: How a remote terminal is connected with a computer?
A: Computer cannot be linked with the terminal by telephone lines
directly as the data transferred is binary in nature, while the telephone works
on sound signals. The input binary data from terminal is converted into sound
signal through a device called “MODEM” and is transferred to the computer,
Q: What is MODEM?
A: MODEM is the short form of Modulator Demodulator, which converts
binary data into sound signals.
Q: What is an Acoustic Coupler?
A: It is a MODEM that converts computer signals into sound, and vice
versa. This allows interfacing between two computers via telephone lines.
Q: What is Real Time Computer?
A: It is a communication oriented computer. It provides immediate
response to the remote terminal. In airlines, flight seat availability
information is the common example of real time processing. It is a costly
system because of the cost of terminals and communication equipment.
Q: In which from the information is supplied to the computer?
A: Relevant information is supplied to the computer as data. Data
consists of alphabets, numbers or special characters that may be processed or
ordered by machines or people. Data are completed of reports, letters, figures,
bills or other documents.
Q: What’s Data processing?
A: It is the ordering of data into more useful form for some particular
purpose. Data processing not only includes numerical calculations but also
other general operations.
Q: What are the types of data
A: There are two types of data processing:
a) Batch Processing
b) Interactive Processing
Q: What is Batch Processing?
A: In batch mode usually many programs are entered in to the computer
and processed sequentially. After programming the listing of program along with
the result is printed on computer sheets by a high speed printer.
Q: What are the advantage of batch processing?
A: This mode is used where the large amount of data processing is
involved or the computer programs are very lengthy.
Q: What is Interactive Processing?
A: In interactive mode computer and computer user can ‘talk’ with
each other.
Q: What is Time sharing?
A: It is a type of interactive processing in which many computer users
share the time of computer through their computer terminals. Time sharing is
suitable for smaller programs.
Q: What are the elements of Data Processing?
A: There are five elements of data processing:
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Program
d) Procedures
e) Personnel
Q: What is Hardware?
A: Hardware is the equipment and machinery involved in data processing.
This equipment could be for data preparation primary and secondary storage,
input and output devices.
Q: What is Software?
A: Software is simply paper work and documentation involved with the
operation of computer. Generally it refers the application and routine program
supplied by manufacturers.
Q: What is Program?
A: A program is sequence of instructions prepared in a computer
language to guide the computer to perform a particular data processing gale.
Q: What is a procedure?
A: It could be defined as sequence of operation performed using
computer for a particular task eg. Procedure to prepare data, procedure for
distributing the output from computer processing.
Q: Who are the key personals involved with computer?
A: Key Personnels involved with computers are as follows:
KEY PUNCH OPERATOR: Key punch operator records the data as punched holes
in cards through key punching machine. In microcomputers, key punch operator is
replaced by a data entry operator who simple enters the data in computer
through keyboard with the speed and accuracy.
PROGRAMMER: A programmer plans, writes, codes and debugs a given problem through
SYSTEM ANALYST: system analyst studies the problem and formulates
procedure for its solution. He develops a guideline for programmers.
LIBRARIAN: Librarian maintains the catalogs, data files, programs and reports.
DATA PROCESSING MANAGER: He is responsible for data processing department.
He coordinates the activities of computer centre staff and plans workload and
schedule etc.
SALES AND MARKETING STAFF: Responsible for sales and marketing.
TECHNICAL STAFF: Responsible for installation and maintenance.
Q: What are the equipments
necessary in a computer centre?
A: Following are the essential
equipments in a computer centre.
This equipment includes the ‘Processor’ which is the central part of a
computer system, operator’s console and primary storage.
SECONDARY STORAGE EQUIPMENT: It includes disc drives,
disc packs, magnetic tapes and recorders, etc.
INPUT DEVICES: Input devices includes punched card recorder, paper tape reader, input
terminal, etc.
OUTPUT DEVICES: Equipment used in the output mainly includes different type of
printers, TV Monitors, Graph plotters, etc.
DATA PREPARATION EQUIPMENT: This type of equipment includes key punch machines,
sorters, collators, interpreters and reproducers, etc.
TELEPROCESSING SYSTEM: If computer is connected with the remote terminals
or with a remote computer, a complete teleprocessing system including modem
acoustic compiler telephone apparatus connected through telephone cables is
Q: How is the ‘Power’ of a
computer measured?
A: It is measured in terms of memory capacity eg. 4K, 8K and 64K etc.
this is very much similar to horse power of car. K stands for Kilo Bytes.
Q: What is a memory?
A: It is the ability of a computer to store and retrieve information in
a group of binary cells called Flip Flops.
Q: What are the functions of a
A: It has three functions.
Receives the information from input
Saves or stores the information
Reproduces the information when ever required.
Q: Distinguish among different
types of storages according to the sizes and functions?
A: According to the sizes and
functions different types of storages are as follows.
Several bits or word storage
Main internal store
Buffer store
External store
Q: What is Single Bit storage?
Name a device.
A: A device in which a single
bit of information can be stored. Flip Flop is the best suited device for it.
Q: What is a Word storage?
A: A device that can store a complete word is called a word storage or
a register. It can hold a complete word, i.e. a group of bits consisting of
data or instructions.
Q: What is a Main Internal
A: It is the internal memory of the store, practically it can store
thousands of words or millions of bits. It is the memory, built in the
Q: What is an External
storage? Name it.
A: The computer program and
other input and output information are held in external stores as in a filing
cabinet. It’s examples are magnetic tape reels, punched paper tapes and floppy
disks, etc.
Q: What is a memory Location?
A: Store has elementary locations, each of which must be capable of
storing at least one bit. Similarly a register in the store has some specified
memory location, where it can be contacted to refer its stored word.
Q: What is a memory Address?
A: Each register in the memory
must have an address by which the word can be identified. Therefore, each word
not only contains binary data or instruction but also a memory address.
Q: What is a Buffer Store?
A: It stores the information temporarily in between the transference
from one location to another.
Q: What is Writing In?
A: It is a method by which a word is written at a desired memory
location. This method may be electrostatic, magnetic or electronic.
Q: What is Reading Out?
A: It is a method by which a word can be read from any location in the
Q: How the storage capacity
can be increased?
A: By adding memory
Q: Define the capacity of a
A: Capacity of a memory describes the total amount of data that can be
stored in it. The capacity may be expressed in bits or words.
Q: What is the Density of
A: Density of memory describes
the amount of data per unit of memory e.g. bits/inch of a magnetic tape.
Q: What is Access Time?
A: It is the time interval
between the instant on request for data until the requested data is made
available. Access time is of two types.
a) Random Access
b) Sequential Access
Q: What is Random Access?
A: In Random access, the
access time is independent of the memory location and remains the same for all
location of the desired information present in the memory. In magnetic tapes
and disks sequential access time is considered.
Q: What is Speed of memory?
A: The speed of memory is
related to the access time. If the access time is low, the memory would be ‘Fast’.
For longer access time memories would refer as ‘Slow Memories’.
Q: What are the two categories
of computer memories?
A: There are two categories of
computer memories.
a) Electromechanical memories
b) Semiconductor memories
Q: What is an
Electromechanical Memory?
A: This type of memory has a
small motor for the rotation of memory storage data. A tape recorder is a
common example of it. Electromechanical memories are non volatile, slow and
accessed serially. They are cheap for storing bulk of information. (A few of
Electromechanical memories would be explained in the chapter of Computer
Q: List a few
electromechanical ?
A: Disk memories, Magnetic
Tape memories and Drum Memories are the common examples of electromechanical
Q: What are the main
advantages of electromechanical memories?
a) They are permanent and
retail the information without needing electrical power.
b) The cost of storing information
is lower than the electronic memories.
Q: What are the disadvantages
of electromechanical memories?
a) Their access time is slower
than the electronic memories.
b) They occupy more space.
Q: Which is the most popular
electromechanical memory, and why?
A: The Disk memory, because:
a) It has much storage capacity
b) It is less expensive.
c) It occupies less space
d) It has fast data access
Q: What is a Floppy Disk?
A: It is a kind of disk
memory, and is very much popular because of its high speed and low cost.
Q: Is magnetic tape a
permanent memory?
A: Yes, if it is protected
from accidental damage, because it is fragile and may be damaged easily.
Q: What are the advantages of
magnetic tape memory?
A: Following are the main
advantages of magnetic tape memories:
a) It can store large
quantities of computer data.
b) It can be erased and used
again and again.
c) It can be transported easily
from one place to another place.
d) It is cheaper.
Q: What are the advantages of
electronic memories?
A: Electronic memories are
very popular because they are less expensive, occupy smaller space and are
random access in nature. Random access means that any information stored in the
memory can be read any time, in any order while in resial access the
information is accessed only in a definite and fixed order.
Q: What is the construction of
Semiconductor memory?
A: Semiconductor memories are
composed of large number of memory cells and each cell can store exactly one
bit of information. The number of memory cells shows the capacity of memory. Large
capacity memories obviously contain large number of cells. Memory stores the information
in a group of bits called ‘word’. Each word of memory has different
information. In order to pinpoint a particular memory word, the word must be
distinguished from other words. The distinction is provided to the stored words
by labeling it with the address. This address is unique, and no two words
inside a memory can have the same address.
Q: What is a Core memory?
A: It is one of the most
important electronic memory. It is a permanent memory.
Q: What are the two major
categories of semi-conductor memory?
a) ROM
b) RAM
Q: What is a ROM?
A: It represents Read Only
Memory. In this memory information can be read, but cannot be change. It is
there fore a non-volatile memory. It is random access in nature and therefore
its access time is constant and is not dependent on the memory location.
Q: What is the construction of
A: A simple type of ROM
consists of an array of diodes or transistors arranged in the form of grid or
matrix as show.
![]() |
Construction of Rom |
Q: Why diodes or transistors
are connected in the form of a matrix?
A: if a diode or transistor is
connected with the matrix, it represents logic 1, otherwise disconnected
position represents logic 0.
Q: What is the meaning of 8´4 ROM?
A: 8´4 ROM represents a ROM of 8
words, and each word consists of 4 bits.
Q: What are the types of ROM?
A: ROMs are of two types:
Q: What is a PROM?
A: It is programmable Read
Only Memory. It is loaded with all one’s. It is a special type of ROM which can
be programmed by user. It uses fusible links which can be modified by the user.
PROM is a kind of ROM, which is loaded
with logical 1s during fabrication process in the factory. When a high surge of
electrical current is given at the desired location, transistor of that
particular place is disconnected loading the logic 0. By selective applied
current the memory can be programmed to any desired bit arrangement by the
user. Once the PROM is programmed by user it cannot be reprogrammed again.
These memories are very reliable and provide the lowest cost/bit when
manufactured in bulk.
Q: How ROM can be programmed
by the user?
A: By a special kit called,
‘EPROM Programmer’, ROM can be programmed.
Q: What is Mask program ROM?
A: A factory, programmed ROM
is called a Mask Programmed ROM.
Q: What is EPROM?
A: It is Erasable Programmable
ROM, and can be erased and programmed by the user as many times as required. It
is more expensive than the PROM.
Q: What are the types of
A: EPROM are of two types:
Q: What are UV EPROM and EA
A: In UV EPROM information can
be erased by falling the Ultraviolet light on the memory through its window,
where as EA PROM is electrically alterable EPROM.
Q: What is RAM?
A: It is the short form of
Random Access Memory, and also known as Read and Write Memory. In this memory
information can be changed as well as being read.
Q: What are the types of RAM?
A: There are two types of RAM:
a) Static RAM
b) Dynamic RAM
Q: What is Static RAM?
A: It can hold data only for a
few seconds, and after that, memory needs refreshing otherwise it loses the
stored information.
Q: What is Dynamic RAM?
A: It is little expensive, but
hold the data as long as the electrical power is supplied.
Q: Name two modern memories?
a) Bubble memory
b) Charged Coupled Device (CCD)
Q: What is the Bubble memory?
A: It is a memory composed of
magnetic bubble, moveable in all direction. Since these bubbles are magnetic in
nature they try to repell each other and in this process they keep themselves
away from each other.
Q: How magnetic bubble
represent binary numbers?
A: Magnetic bubble are
produced by bubble generator. The presence of a bubble at one position indicate
logic 1, and the absence indicate logic 0. The presence of a bubble is detected
by a bubble detector. And unwanted bubble can be removed by bubble eater.
Q: Where bubble memory is used?
A: It is a future memory and
might replace floppy disk. It is very fast, compact, and inexpensive and has no
mechanical parts.
Q: What is CCD memory?
A: It is made from silicon
chip like RAMs and ROMs. A single chip may have thousands of individual memory
elements each capable of storing a single binary bit.
Q: Where are the bits stored
in CCD memory?
A: Bits are stored as
electrical chare on small Metal
Square at storage element. A chare indicates
logical 1 and no charge represents logical 0.
Q: Tell something about a
typical digital computer’s memory?
A: Digital computer memory is
composed of ROM and Ram. As it has already been explained, ROM is permanent
memory. For each type of computer a specific program is loaded in the ROM,
called ‘Monitor Program’, the memory is thus called Monitor ROM. This
monitor ROM has built in instruction which computer can follow. RAM is volatile
memory and is at user’s disposal. In the RAM area user can load any program.
RAM is collection of registers and each register can be identified by a
particular address.
Q: What is Address?
A: Address is the location of
register, whereas content is the data of the memory register. In the below
example memory has 100 eight bit registers having addresses from 1 to 100. Any
registers can be located by its address, and any pattern of 8 bit combination
can be stored in it.
![]() |
Address |
Q: What is Memory Address
Register (MAR)?
A: As the name suggest in this
register, the address of memory register is stored. In order to memory, the
address of that register has to be supplied first. This register is called the
memory address register.
Q: What is Address Decoder?
A: Address decoder is simply a
multilane decoder connected between MAR and memory.
If the number of addresses to be scanned
![]() |
Decoder diagram |
16 (say) then the decoder used would be 4 to 10 line decoder as shown in the
above figure. Input would be of 4 bits and output would be 24 = 16
line. In this way just by having 4 inputs, 16 different memory address of
memory can be located.
Q: In which form, the
information is stored in computer memory?
A: Information is stored in
the computer memory as computer words.
Q: What is a computer word?
A: It is a group of binary
digits containing units of information. It moves in and out of storage as a
Q: How a computer word can be
classified according to the size?
A: Words can be classified in
the following ways:
a) Nibble
b) Byte
c) Multi Byte word
Q: What is a Nibble?
A: It is a word composed of 4
bits, mostly used in early microcomputers.
Q: What is Byte?
A: A word of 8 bit is called a
byte. Byte is the most universally used data unit in computer industry.
Q: What is a Multi-byte word?
A: Larger words are usually a
multiple of bytes e.g. a 16 bit word may be called 2 byte word.
Q: What are the types of words?
A: Basically they are of two
a) Data words
b) Instruction words
Q: What is a Data Word?
A: This is a word which
contains the numerical information to be processed.
Q: What is the destination of
data word?
A: The data words containing
numerical data are always sent to one of the arithmetic registers.
Q: What is an Instruction word?
A: It prescribes the manner in
which the data is to be processed, or simply it contains the instruction.
Q: What is Computer
A: A computer is of no use
unless if is Programmed. Programming means to instruct the computer, giving
step by step instructions what computer is supposed to do. An instruction can
be defined as input for telling the computer to perform a specific operation.
Q: In which language computer
instructions are understandable to computer?
A: Computer understands only
machine language which is composed of 1s and 0s. Since it is difficult for us
to write computer program in machine language, we use Assembly Languages to
write program instruction.
Q: What is Assembly Language?
A: Assembly language
instructions are written in Mnemonics, Mnemonics are nothing but the memory
aids e.g. for an instruction ‘Load the Accumulator’, we can write LDA as
mnemonics. The program is written in assembly language first, and then it is
converted into relevant machine codes, also known as Op Codes. Op codes for
each computer are different.
Q: Where computer instructions
are stored?
A: Instruction are stored in
the computer memory.
Q: What is the format of
computer instruction?
A: An instruction is a
collection of bits, divided in two groups. One is called operation code or op-code
and other is called Address.
![]() |
Format of Computer Instruction |
Q: What is Op-code?
A: This part of instruction
defines an operation such as add, subtract, compliment and shift, etc.
Q: What is Address part?
A: This part provides the
address of the operand. In reality if it is said ‘ADD’ through an Op-code, this
instruction is not complete unless the ‘data’ location to be ‘added’ is
Q: What are the types of
A: Instructions are of two types. First type has op-code as well as address,
and is known as Memory Reference Instruction. Other type has only Op-code and
not address.
Q: What are Memory Reference
A: In
these type of instructions the address part indicated the
address of a particular
register in the memory. On the given address, register is located and its
contents are read.
Q: What is Op-code?
A: This
part of instruction defines an operation such as add, subtract, compliment and
shift, etc.
Q: What is an Instruction
A: In order to implement an instruction completely a full cycle of
computer operation is required. This is called an instruction cycle, or Machine
Q: What is a Microinstruction?
A: Each machine cycle of operation is composed of maximum 6 small
instructions, called microinstruction. This sequence of microinstruction is
called Miroprogram. Each time an instruction is to be implemented a complete
Miroprogram is run implementing microinstructions in sequence.
Q: What are the two phases of
Instruction Cycle?
A: Instruction cycle is composed of two phases, one instruction Fetch
and other instruction Execute.
![]() |
Instruction Cycle |
Q: What Instruction Fetch?
A: It is a Read Instruction. In this phase an instruction word is read
from a particular address of memory, and is stored in a register. Instruction
fetch is composed of three microinstructions.
Q: What is Instruction Execute?
A: When an instruction word is stored in a register after being
fetched from the memory, it triggers a sequence of signals controlled by the
control unit. This sequence of signal constitutes and instruction execute.
Instruction execute phase is composed of maximum three microinstructions.
Q: What Draw the distribution
of machine cycle?
A: A machine cycle is described as follows:
![]() |
Machine Cycle |
Q: If the frequency of clock
pulse is 4MHz, what would be the maximum time to execute an instruction
composed of six small phases?
A: Time for 1 phase = T =1/f=1/4´106
Time for 6 phases =6/4´106=1.5 per second
Q: What is the Internal Organization
of a typical Digital Computer?
A: A typical digital computer is composed of following six blocks.
![]() |
Typical Digital Computer Organization |
a) Input
b) Output
c) Memory
d) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
e) Control Unit (CU)
f) Clock Generator
Q: How these blocks are
A: These building blocks are connected through Buses. Buses are
actually the bundles of wire or metallic conduction paths on the circuit boards
to transfer the information or data from one block to another block.
Q: What are the types of Buses?
A: There are three types of buses.
a) Control Bus
b) Address Bus
c) Data Bus
Some times a single bus can be
used for address and data known as Address/Data bus.
Q: What is a Control Bus?
A: It is unidirectional bus and is used to transmit the control
signals from control unit to other parts of computer shown in dotted lines in
the block diagram.
Q: What is Address/Data Bus?
A: It is a bidirectional bus because it can move memory address and
data in both directions i.e. either towards memory and from memory to other
places. It is shown in hard lines in the block diagram.
Q: What is the function of
input section?
A: Input section receives the information and instructions from the
operator or from other computer. It could simply be a key board of a computer.
Q: What is the function of
output section?
A: Output section transfers the result of processed information to the
operator. Video monitor is the common example of output device.
Q: What is a Memory?
A: It is the part of a computer which stores the information, and
again reproduces the same information when require.
Q: What is Arithmetic Logic
A: I t consists of logic gates and can perform arithmetical and
logical functions such as addition, subtraction, and dividing etc.
Q: What is Control Unit?
A: It controls all the sections of computers by sending the control
signals at proper and synchronized time.
Q: What are Clock Pulses?
A: The whole operation of computer is controlled by a series of
equally spaced timing pulses called clocked pulses generated from a master clock
oscillator. All the information in a computer are transmitted to all the
computer blocks through the clock pulses.
Q: What is frequency of a
Clock Pulse?
A: It could be 1 MHz or even more high. The faster the computer
operates, the higher its clock rate will be.
Q: How computer works?
A: Outside information can be conveyed through operator to the input
section of the computer by various means. One common method is to type the data
on a key board that prepares coded punched paper tape or punched cards. In
addition the data to be processed, a program of operating instructions is
prepared prescribes the manner in which operation are to be carried out. Both
data and instructions are transferred to the computer input section.
The internal Memory of computer has
thousand of memory locations where data and instructions are stored. Every
memory location has a specific address from where information can be collected.
The order in which the data is placed into or taken out of the store is
governed by the instructions contained in the program. (Governed by control
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
does all the arithmetic functions and makes various logical decision, according
to the need of the program. ALU is very much thinking part of a computer
control unit and converts the instructions of the program supplied by input
into a perfect sequence of operations for processing the incoming information.
Control Unit controls all
the other sections of the computer, by sending the controlling signals at
proper synchronized time. To perform this operation, it interprets the coded
instructions contained in the program. These successive commands, in the form
of control signals flow along control lines, opening or closing gates that
connect specific registers to the information bus, and thus control the flow of
data in accordance with the program. In other words the control sections
command, all information is processed with the help of memory, ALU and other
This processed information
is transferred to the output section. After receiving the appropriate commands
from the control, the output section transferred the processed data bits from
storage in a logical sequence and arranges into character, for insertion into
the output selected devices which may by in the form of a tape or printed
Q: What is an ALU?
A: ALU is a block in computer that can perform arithmetical and
logical functions such as addition, subtracting, adding, ORing, shift rotate
Q: What are the four
arithmetical operations which an ALU can perform?
A: Addition, subtracting, multiplication and division are the four
arithmetical operations.
Q: How these four operations
are simplified further?
A: Addition-Addition
Subtraction-Addition and complementing
Multiplication-Repeated addition and
Division-Repeated subtraction
(complementing and shifting).
Q: What is a basic circuit for
an ALU?
A: EX-OR gate circuit is the basic circuit for an ALU.
Q: What is CPU?
A: It is the central processing unit of a computer, and is composed of
ALU, control unit and a built in memory.
Q: What are the four registers
of CPU?
A: a) Accumulator
b) Program Counter
c) Memory address register or data
d) Instruction register
Q: Draw the block diagram of
![]() |
CPU Block Diagram |
Q: What are the functions of
A: CPU instructs the other system components what to do and when to
do. It does all the arithmetic functions and makes all the decisions for the
rest of the computer.
Q: What is the physical size
of CPU?
A: Today CPU is available just on a single chip and is called the
microprocessor. 8080 Z80 and 6502 are common examples of microprocessors.
Q: What is an Accumulator?
A: It is the register in which the data fetched from the memory is
stored temporarily. CPU usually operates on the contents of an accumulator
instead of contacting memory directly.
Q: How many accumulators can
be used in a computer?
A: There can be more than one accumulator registers in a computer.
Q: What is a Program Counter
A: Program counter (PC) is simple a binary counter which counts in
sequence. PC count is supposed to be the address of a memory register. The
address indicated by PC is loaded in another register called Memory Address
PC counts in sequence unless it is asked to jump to skip some
addresses. Program counter (PC) starts counting from (0000). After an
instruction has been fetched from the memory the PC is incremented by one. In
this way PC always points towards the address of new instruction.
Q: What is a Memory Address
Register (MAR)?
A: It is a register which stores the address of memory registers. This
address is provided by PC.
Q: What is the bit size of MAR?
A: The size of MAR depends on the capacity of
computer memory. A computer of 64K memory (65536) would be having a MAR of 16
bits because the combination of 216 can address 65536 memory
Q: What is an Instruction
A: IR stores the instruction code of computer instruction the
instruction code is decoded and is applied to the control section where it
triggers a complete micro program.
Q: What is a Control Unit?
A: It controls all the sections of computers by sending the control
signals at proper and synchronized times.
Q: What are the functions of
control unit?
A: There are six functions of control unit:
a) To start and stop the
b) To generate clock ulse for
timing control
c) To transmit pulses to memory
for obtaining instructions and operands.
d) To transmit pulses to the
arithmetic unit and other parts for executing the operation called for by the
e) To keep track of memory
address to be used.
Q: Can control unit store a
A: Yes, control unit stores program called,
micro-program. It is stored in memory called, Control ROM.
Q: Draw the block diagram of
control unit?
![]() |
CU Block Diagram |
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