Monday 8 May 2017

HTML Sample Programs

HTML Sample Programs 

Click here to download HTML Sample Programs, just copy programs one by one in notepad , notepad++ or Dreamweaver, Save with any name but forget to give extension .html to each file, suppose you want to save file with name first, than you have to type file name "first.html".
These Samples Programs covers following topics:

  1. Simple HTML Document
  2. HTML Comments 
  3. HTML Paragraph Tag
  4. Paragraph with multiple lines in source code
  5. Problems with HTML Spacing
  6. Pre-formatting Tag - <pre> tag 
  7. Line Breaks on Web Page
  8. HTML Headings 
  9. Centralized Heading
  10. Give Horizontal line on Web Page
  11. Add a Background Color with color name
  12. Add a Background Color with Hexa Decimal Code
  13. Add a Background Image
  14. Text formatting 
  15. Insert Image
  16. Adjust Images to different sizes
  17. Working with images from different folders 
  18. Working with moving images 
  19. Displaying an alternate text for an image
  20. Creating Hyperlinks 
  21. Setting images as links 
  22. Open a link in new Browser or tab
  23. Jumping to an other part of the same page using named anchors 
  24. Link to a mail message
  25. Simple un ordered list
  26. Nested Un Ordered List
  27. Bulleted List
  28. An ordered List
  29. A numbered List
  30. Definition Lists 
  31. Simple Tables 
  32. Different table borders
  33. Table without borders 
  34. Headings in Table
  35. Tables with Empty Cells
  36. Spanning Table Cells
  37. Tags inside table
  38. Cell Padding 
  39. Cell Spacing 
  40. Aligning contents in Table
  41. Background colors and images in tables 
  42. HTML forms input field
  43. HTML forms password field
  44. Creating multi line input field
  45. Creating check boxes
  46. Radio Button in HTML forms 
  47. Creating simple drop down list 
  48. Creating drop down list with pre - selected a value 
  49. Creating push buttons 
  50. <fieldset> and <legend> 
  51. HTML Frames 


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