Monday, 15 May 2017

C Programming Questions and Answers for beginners

Q 1.    What do you mean by language in computer terminology?
Ans.     The language used to create programs.
Or Words or symbols that computer accepts as instructions or command.
Q 2. What is C- Language and why we mostly use C  language?
Ans. C is a computer programming language. It is mostly used for operating system and generally for business software. The purpose of its popularity is it is unique in other program languages in that it provides the convenience of a higher level language such as Basic and Pascal, but at the same time it allows much closer control of a computer's Hardware and Peripherals, as assembly language does.
Q 3. What do you know about the history of C Language?
Ans. C was developed in conduction with UNIX operating system in 1972 at AT & T's Bell laboratories by Dennis Richie, and was the descendant of earlier languages 'A' and' 'B'.
Q 4. What is an Algorithm?
Ans. Algorithm is the plan, routine or process of defining a set of instructions so that a computer program can written to find the answer/solution  to a given task.
Q 5. What is flow Chart?
Ans. Flow chart is a set of diagram outlining of logical flow of computer program using standard set of block shapes to represent different operations.
Q 6. What is "Program"?
Ans. Program is a set of instructions that is used to tell the computer how to perform a specific task.
Q 7. Which function is must in all C program?
Ans. All C programs must have a function "main()".
Q 8. What does main() means?
Ans. The "main()" function is the one which control is passed when the program is executed.
Q 9. What does "void" means?
Ans. The word "void" preceding the "main()" specifies that the function main() will not return a value. The second "void" in parenthesis, specifies that the function take no arguments.
Q 10. what are delimeter?
Ans. The delimeters "{" (Starting delimenter) indicates that a block of code that form a distinct unit is about to begin, and "}" (ending delimenter) delimits terminate the block of code.
Q 11. Why we use the semicolon in the end of a statement?
Ans. Semicolon terminates each statement of program.
Q 12. Why we use printf() function?
Ans. The "printf()" function use to display some data.
Q 13. What is "Input" and "output"?
Ans. Any data which we enter into the computer through Keyboard, Mouse or other devices is called input, and Output is any data that transfer from a computer 's internal storage unit to any other device such as monitor, printer etc.
Q 14. why we use scanf() function?
Ans. The "scanf()" function use to take data from the user at execution time.
Q 15. what are format specifiers?
Ans. The fomat specifiers specifies the format of data to be entered or displayed.
Q 16. why we use Escape sequences?
Ans. Escape sequences breaks the sequence of a string from the normal intrpretaton.
Q 17. What are variables?
Ans. A language object that take different values ,one at a time.
Q 18. what is the difference b/w variable and constants?
Ans. The values of a variable changes, but the values of constants do not change during the execution.
Q 19.Why variable definition is must?
Ans. All variables must be defined to specify their name, type and set aside storage.
Q 20. C supports how many basic data types?
Ans. C supports three basic data types 1. Integers, 2.Flaots, 3. characters.
Q 21. Why field width specifier is used?
Ans. Field width specifier is used to determine the interpretation of a variable's type, width of the field, the number of the decimal places printed and the justification.
Q 22. How graphics character can be printed?
Ans. Graphics characters are printed by using their hex code in an escape sequence such as "\xDB".
Q 23. what is the purpose of comments and where we may write  these comments.
Ans. The commnents in a program are for user to help him in reading these are ignored by compiler and can be put any where in the program, as single line with double slashes // comments . Or we can put multi-line comments between /* comments */.
Q 24. How compiler treats comments?
Ans. comments are invisible to compiler.
Q 25. What is address operator and why we use it?
Ans. '&' is the address operator use in scanf() function with variable name, because the compiler uses address of variable instead variable itself and address operator gives the addresses of variables to.
Q 26. what is purpose of 'getch()' function?
Ans. it is used to take and put  an invisible character input from the keyboard.
Q 27. how much type of operators' Clanguage support?
Ans. there are theree types of operators in C language, Arithmatic operator, Relational operators, logical operators.
Q 28. What are arithmetic operators?
+,-,/,% and * are arithmetic operators
Q 29. what are Relational operators?
Ans.<,>,<=.>=.==, and != are relational operators.
Q 30. what are logical operators?
Ans. &&, || , And are logical operators.
Q 31. what is structured programming?
Ans. A method for constructing programs using only hierarchically nested constructs each having single entry and a single exit point.
Note: three types of control flow are used in structured programming ie. Sequential , conditional, iterative.
Q 32. Why we use loop?
Ans. Loop permits the program to repeat some operations or sequences of commands several times.
Q 33. How much types of loops does C Support?
Ans. There are three types of loops in C." for loops" , "while loops" and "do-while loops".
Q 34. what is the difference b/w these loops?
Ans. "for loop" is used when we want to repeat any code specified number of time, whereas  "while loop"  depends upon the condition that if the condition is true it should repeat otherwise not, and in "do-while loops" body of loop must execute at least once.
Q 35. What is nested looping?
Ans. A loop inside the loop is called nested looping.
Q 36. Why we use if statement?
Ans. When we have to make any decision in our program we can use if statement.
Q 37. How we may put multiple statements within loops and if conditions?
Ans. We may put multiple statements within loops and if statement by putting them b/w delimeters " {  }".
Q 38. what is the purpose of (%) operator?
Ans. It returns remainder of two digits.
Q 39. What is switch statement?
Ans. the switch statement is similar to the if- else constructor but has a more flexible and a clrear format.
Q 40. what is the purpose of case and break statements?
case statement and break statements are used within switch statement, case is use to define the multiple choices and break statement breaks the control from one case to another.
Q 41. which are default "header files"?
Ans. "conio.h" and "stdio.h" are default header files, which means we have not include these files in our each program.
Q 42. what is shortcut key for saving c program?
Ans. we may save a program by pressing "F2" or "Alt + s and than s"
Q 43. How we may compile a program through keyboard?
Ans. We may compile a program by Alt+F9 or Alt + C keys than Enter.
Q 44. what is shortcut key for running the c program?
Ans. we may run a program by pressing ALT+R and then Enter.
Q 45. what is the extension of source file in C- Language?
Ans. Extension of source file in C language is '. c'.
Q 46. what is the extension of compiled file in C language?
Ans. Extension of compiled file in c language is '.obj'.
Q 47.what is extension of executeable file in c language.

Extension of executable file in c is .exe.


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