Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Variables and Data Types in C

What is Variable?

  • Variable is the name of memory location which can store a single value 
  • Variable is an identifier (name) for storing a value 
  • In C before using variables they must be declared. 

C Programming Building blocks:

  • Character Set: combination of letters (a-z) numbers (0-9) and symbols used in C Programming are Character Set, it is just like alphabet in our languages. 
  • Keywords: reserved words which have pre-defined meaning, these words can not be used as identifiers. 
  • Identifiers: Names of any any thing such as Variable name , function name etc are called Identifiers.  
  • Constants: Any entity whose value can not be changed after execution are called Constants. 
  • Variables: Names which store values
  • Datatypes: They keywords such as int, float, char are called datatypes they are used to  create Variables, they denotes the kind of data a variable can  store, size of variable and range of values a variable can store. 
  • Format Specifies: The characters such as %d, %i, %f, %u are called format specifies they indicates the format of data which is to be displayed through some output function such as printf and the format of data which is to be entered through input function such as scanf()
  • Escape Sequences: Escape sequences are characters such as \n, \t, \r, \b, \x, \o which breaks the sequence of  any string. 
  • Expressions: The combination of operators and operands for some computation are called expressions. 
  •  Assignments: The expressions which are used to assign some value to an other variable. 
  • Functions: Any unit of program which perform some task. 
  • Operators:  Any symbol such as +, - , *, / which perform some operation on values called operands. 

How to declare Variables in C:

       In C Programming before using Variables they must be declared.
                <Data Type>      Identifiers
       Data Type: Data types represent the type / kind of Data a variable can store and its size. Examples int , char , float, double etc
       Identifier is variable name , such as following line declares Variable a of type int
Int a;

 Data Types:

       They are arithmetic types and are further classified into: (a) integer types and (b) floating-point types.
Enumerated types
They are again arithmetic types and they are used to define variables that can only assign certain discrete integer values throughout the program.
The type void
The type specifier void indicates that no value is available.
Derived types
They include (a) Pointer types, (b) Array types, (c) Structure types, (d) Union types and (e) Function types.

 Format Specifies :

       Format Specifiers determines the type of data which is to be entered or displayed, they are used in two places, Every data type in C has a format specifiers. Such as int has %d and %i, float has %f, char has %c and so on.
       1) In taking Input
       2) In displaying Output

Format Specifier
%d or %i
Signed decimal integer
%o or %O
Unsigned octal
%x or %X
Unsigned hexadecimal integer
%f, or %F
Floating Point numbers
%e or %E
Scientific Notation
%g or %G
Shortest representation: %e or %f
Pointer Address
long or short prefix for: d, i, u, o, x, X




Escape Sequence Characters in C

Escape sequence
single quote
double quote
question mark
audible bell
form feed - new page
line feed - new line
carriage return
horizontal tab
vertical tab
arbitrary octal value
arbitrary hexadecimal value
universal character name
(arbitrary Unicode value);
may result in several characters
universal character name
(arbitrary Unicode value);
may result in several characters

  Operators in C

      What are Operators:
      The Symbols or words which perform operation on one or more than one operands (Values / Variables )
      Arithmetic Operators
      Unary Operators : Those Operators which takes only open operand are called Unary Operators. There are three Unary Arithmetic Operators in C
      Unary Minus ( –)
      Increment Operator (++)
      Decrement Operators  (--)
      Binary Operators: Those Operators which takes two operands are called Binary Operators: such as: +, -, *, /,^  
      Ternary Operators / Conditional Operators:  They takes three operands and are shortcut to if else, they will be discussed in later sessions.

C Language Variables and Data Types
C Programming Variables and Data Types 


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