Tuesday 17 November 2015

seo tutorial part 1

Hello every one welcome to this SEO Course and I hope that this course will be fruitful for you, Due to Importance of SEO in our web technology  and I being a SEO Professional, decided to start a course on SEO in English and SEO In Urdu/Hindi and to explore SEO.

In this part I will give you a brief overview of SEO and some contents of our course.
What are Search Engines?
The websites which are used for searching some information on Internet, when users or people needs some information on Internet they type their required information in the search box of search engine in response search engines retrieves the websites which contain that information. The largest search engine is www.google.com , 80% people in the world used www.google.com for searching some thing on  the Internet, other popular search engines are yahoo, bing.
What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization?
When people search information through search information the search engine provides the list of websites which contain that information and click the link to view information and in this way they come to the website. SEO is the process of increasing the traffic / people / visitors of any websites through search engines you know without visitors there is no benefit of website, so visitors are necessary for website. If read this course complete you will be able to know how to increase the site traffic. If you need some type of support after reading all the course you are welcome.  
Following is the summary of our course

  1. What is Digital Marketing / Internet Marketing
  2. Internet Marketing Tools
  3. The SEO Introduction
  4. SEO History
  5. Old SEO
  6. New SEO
  7. Search Engines Intro
  8. Black Hat SEO
  9. White Hat SEO
  10. SEO where to start
  11. The Search Engines and The Directories
  12. How the search engine works
  13. The Crawlers, Robots , Spiders
  14. Understanding Search Algorithm
  15. Search Engine Ranking
  16. Speed up your site on-site web spam factors
  17. The website over optimization
  18. The meta tag spamming
  19. popups of the distracting ads 
  20. IP address flagged as spam (woorank)
  21. Redirects
  22. Panda penalty off page webspam factors
  23. The unnatural influx of links
  24. link profile with high percent (%) of low quality links
  25. linking domain relevancy
  26. Unnatural links warning
  27. Links from the same class IP
  28. Posion anchor text
  29. Monitor Your Site’s Link Profile
  30. Recover Your Site Using The Disavow Tool
  31. Identify Broken Pages on Your Site GOOGLE ANALYTIC Audience Characteristics and Behavior
  32. Audience Data & Reporting Mobile Traffic
  33. Social Reports
  34. The SEO Process
    • SEO starts before website
    • Keyword research tools
    • Web Hosting and Domain Name
    • Target audience Selection
    • On-Page SEO /On Site SEO / Internal SEO
    • Off-Page SEO / External SEO
    • Updating for future
    • Analyzing Content Quality
    • Effectiveness of SEO
    • How to promote content by social media
    • Google+  
  1. The On Page SEO / Internal SEO
  2. The Off page SEO / External SEO
  3. OnPage SEO / Internal SEO Components 
    • The domain name
    • The Design of the Website
    • The Page Layout and the Navigation of the Website
    • Title and Description of the Website
    • Understanding how the search engines index the content
    • Understanding how google search works
    • Researching keywords with best SEO Tools and Websites
    • Meta Tags
    • Post Titles, Perma Links, Post Descriptions
    • Article Writing , Using Headings and Using  Paragraphs
    • Keywords and keyword density
    • Inbound and Internal Links
    • How to Optimize videos of the site
    • How to optimize images of the site
    • Building links to your content
    • Understanding the audience / visitors audience area, style topic
  1. OffPage SEO / External SEO Components 
    • Submitting the website and the sitemap to search engines
    • Submitting the site to blog directories
    • Using social media marketing tools
    • Social book marking
    • Goolge, Bing, Yahoo
    • Analytics tools of the google.
    • Creating quality backlinks for website.
    • Doing guest posting on the high PR Websites


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