Wednesday, 8 April 2020

HTML 5 tables and creating basic web page layout using tables tutorial in urdu hindi part 7


  • Tables in HTML
  • Attributes of <Table> tag 
  • Attributes of <tr> tag
  • Attributes of  <th> and <td> tags
  • Tables Based Website Layout
  • Creating complex tables
  • Nested Tables
  • Adding Wow Slider in Website
  • Embedding / Adding youtube videos in website

Tables in HTML

Tables are used to represent data in columns and rows. HTML tables are created with <table> ...</table> element. <tr> element creates table row, <th> element creates table column headings, <td> element creates table data , <thead> element is used to group column headings , <tbody>  is used to group table main body elements , <tfoot>  is used to group table footer part elements . <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot> are optional parts of tables.
Following are some example of tables in HTML

Example # 1: Creating a simple table: 

<!doctype html>



<title>Creating simple table in HTML 5  </title>

<meta charset=”utf-8”>


<table border='1'>
<td>Ali Khan</td>
<td>MS Office</td>
<td>Web Design</td>


Following is the output of above program:
creating simple table in html 5
simple table in HTML 5

Example # 2: using thead and tbody 

<!doctype html>



<title>Creating simple table in HTML 5  </title>

<meta charset=”utf-8”>


<table border='1'>
<td>Ali Khan</td>
<td>MS Office</td>
<td>Web Design</td>



Attributes of <Table> tag

used to specify table background color
example: <table bgcolor="brown">
Used to specify table background image
example: <table background="Url Of Image">
border = number
Used to specify border thickness. border=0, means no border, border=1 means border with thickness 1, instead of 1 , you can specify a number according to your requirement.
<table border="1" >
Specify border color,
Example: <table bordercolor="red" >
Used to specify border color with some shade , this attribute will not work in browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
Example:<table bordercolordark="red">
bordercolorlight = color
Used to specify border color with some shade , this attribute will not work in browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
Example:<table bordercolorlight="red">
cellspacing = number
This attribute is used to specify some space between cells of table. by default there is some default space between space, if we don't need it we can specify cellspacing=0, however if we need some extra space between cells, we can assign some value to cellspacing.
Example: <table cellspacing="50">
cellpaddiing = number
Cellpadding property can be used to set a space between content and border of cells. By default there is some default cell padding , if we don't need it we can specify cellpadding=0, however if we need some extra space between content and cell borders , we an assign some value to cellpadding.
Example: <table cellpadding="100">
width = number
Used to specify width of table, Width can take number or number of percentage.
Example:<table width="200"> or <table width="50%">
height = number
Used to specify height of table, Height can take number or number of percentage.
Example:<table height="200"> or <table height="50%">
align = type (left / right / center )
Used to set table alignment , means you can use this attribute to specify the position where you want to display table onto web pages, it takes three values left, right and center.
Example: align table on center
<table align="center">

Attributes of <tr> tag 

used to specify background color of row
example: <tr bgcolor="green">
Specify border color of row
Example: <tr bordercolor="blue" >
Used to specify border color with some shade , this attribute will not work in browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
Example:<tr bordercolordark="orange">
bordercolorlight = color
Used to specify border color with some shade , this attribute will not work in browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
Example:<tr bordercolorlight="blue">
height = number
Used to specify height of row, Height can take number or number of percentage.
Example:<tr height="200"> or <tr height="50%">
align = type (left/right/center/justify )
Used to specify horizontal alignment of text in a row.
Example: align text on center in a row
<tr align="center">
valign = type (top/bottom/baseline/middle )
Used to specify vertical alignment of text in a row.
Example: vertically align text on center in a row
<tr valign="middle">

Attributes of <th>and <td> tags

used to specify background color  of a cell
example: <th bgcolor="brown"> 
Used to specify background image of a cell
example: <th background="Url Of Image">
Specify border color,
Example: <th bordercolor="red" >
Used to specify border color with some shade , this attribute will not work in browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
Example:<th bordercolordark="red">
bordercolorlight = color
Used to specify border color with some shade , this attribute will not work in browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
Example:<th bordercolorlight="red">
width = number
Used to specify width of a cell, Width can take number or number of percentage.
Example:<th width="200"> or <th width="50%">
height = number
Used to specify height of cell, Height can take number or number of percentage.
Example:<th height="200"> or <th height="50%">
align = type (left / right / justify / center )
Used to set horizontal alignment of text in a cell ,
Example: horizontally align text  on center
<th align="center">
valign = type (top / bottom / baseline / middle )
Used to set vertical alignment of text in a cell ,
Example: vertically align text on center
<th valign="middle">
colspan = number
Used to span a cell into multiple columns
Example: span cell into 2 columns
<th colspan="2">
rowspan = number
Used to span a cell into multiple rows ,
Example: span cell into two rows
<th rowspan="2">

Using colspan and rowspan attributes in tables 

<!doctype html>
<title>Using colspan and rowspan attributes </title>
<meta charset=”utf-8”>
<table border="1">
<th rowspan="2">Sno</th>
<th rowspan="2">Name</th>
<th colspan="5">Subjets</th>
<th rowspan="2">T.Marks</th>
<th rowspan="2">Obt.Marks</th>

Creating Website layout with table: 

In previous video tutorial we have created a simple website layout using css , now we are creating same website layout using table. 
<!doctype html>
<title>Nested List Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
background: lightgray;
font-size: 2em;
margin-right: 10%;
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="brown" height="150" align="center" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<td bgcolor="lime" height="40" align="center" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<td bgcolor="skyblue" height="500" align="center" valign="middle" width="80%">
Main Content Area
<td bgcolor="darkblue" height="500" align="center" valign="middle" width="20%">
<td bgcolor="black" height="150" align="center" valign="middle" colspan="2">
creating website layout with table
website layout created with table



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