Tuesday 8 December 2015

MS Word Tutorial

Ms Word is the member of Ms Office suite which you can use to create the text documents such as Letters, Applications, Faxes, Memos, Notes, Books, CV, Assignments, Magazines, Typing work. Ms Word is Popular Word Processor Program. Any program which is used for word processing is called Word Processors other Word Processors are Wordpad, Inpage etc.
The file extension of MsWord Versions before Word 2007 was ".doc" , and file extension of Ms Word 2007 and later versions is ".docx"
Exe file of Ms Word is "WinWord".
The default file name of Ms Word is "Document".
The Page of Word is called Page, in other programs such as excel, PowerPoint page and file/document has different names, such as in Excel file is book , page is sheet, in PowerPoint file is Presentation and page is slide.

What is word Processing?

Word Processing is the process of Creating Text documents.

What is word Processor?

Any program used for Word Processing is called Word Processing. 


Anatomy of Ms Word 2007
Ms Word 2007 Interface 

i.            The Microsoft Office Button

This button is present at the most upper corner of Ms Word, when we click it a menu appear. You can use the Office Button to create , Open, Save, Print files. 

Office button for Office Menu
Office Button

ii.            The Quick Access Toolbar

This is small bar present next to Office Button, it provides the command which we frequently use. By default it contains Save, Undo, Redo Buttons, Button you can add / remove buttons of Quick Access Tool Bar.
Ms Office Word Quick Access Tool bar
Quick Access Tool Bar 

iii.            The Title Bar

This bar is present next to Quick Access toolbar, it is present almost in every program, window, dialogue box to show their title. In Ms Word It represent the name of Program i.e "Microsoft Word" and the file name( the default file name of Ms Word is document such as document1, document2, document3 and so on as you. 
Ms Office Word Title Bar
Title Bar

Parts of Title Bar: 

There are three parts of Title Bar:

(1) Title (2) Control Menu (3) Control Box

(1) Title

The Part of title bar which indicate name of file and program. 

(2) Control Menu

If You right click on title bar of Ms Word or You Press Alt + Space bar, a shortcut menu appears which is called Control Menu/  Shortcut Menu / Right Click Menu it contains six options. (1) Restore (2) Move (3) Size (4) Manimize (5) Maximize (6) Close.

(3) Control Box

The part of Title bar which contain three buttons  1. _ (Minimize) (2) Maximize / Restore (3) Close 

1. Minimize: When you click on minimize Button you program will be appears on task bar but it will disappears from screen, 
2. Maximize / Restore: Basically this is rectangle shaped button it perform two functions 1. Restore Button when your program is maximized ie. it is on full screen (2) Maximize: When it your program is in normal size this button will maximize the program.
3. Close: This button closes the application. 

iv.            The Ribbon

This bar is present after the Title bar, it contains the tabs such as Home, Insert, Design, Page Layout, references, mailings, review, view by default, but depending on certain conditions it may contain other tabs or you can add other tabs to Ribbon bar, each tab contain different commands which you can use to tell Ms Word what to do or you can perform different tasks through these commands. When you click any tab of ribbon bar displays several command groups each group contain the different command buttons, Each command group also contain a small button at the right side which is called Dialogue box launcher as you click that button it display dialogue box for that command group which may display additional commands. 
Ms Word Ribbon Bar
Ribbon Bar

v.            The Ruler

The ruler is found below the Ribbon.
Ruler Bar in Ms Word 2007
Ruler Bar 

You can use the ruler to change the format of your document quickly. If your ruler is not visible, follow the steps listed here:
  1. Click the View tab to choose it.
  2. Click the check box next to Ruler in the Show/Hide group. The ruler appears below the Ribbon.

How we can show / hide ruler bar in Ms Word 2007
How to Show Ruler Bar

vi.            The Text Area

After the ruler bar the large are mostly in white color on which you can type text and create you document is the Text Area, the Vertical line which is blinking present at the upper-left corner of text area is the cursor. 

Ms Word Text Area
Text Area and Scroll bars  


vii.            The Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars

There are two Scroll bars in Ms Word (1) Horizontal Scroll bar (2) Vertical Scroll bar, through Vertical Scroll bar you can move your window up and down, and through horizontal scroll bar you can move window to and fro.Horizontal scroll bar appears only when you document can not fit on screen.  

viii.            The Status Bar

The last bar in Ms Word is the status bar , it provides information such as Current Page, No. of Pages , No. of Words etc. You can change what to display on it. it also contains spelling and grammar buttons. 

Status Bar Image
Status Bar 

Ms Office Word 2007 Office Button 

Before starting Ms Word and creating documents you should know about ms word environment setup and few basic tasks, such as how to maximize and minimize ribbon bar, Add/Remove buttons from Quick Access Tool Bar, Change the position of Quick Access Tool bar, show / Hide Ruler Bar and use Word Count , Zoom in , Zoom Out, Zoom Level.

Basic Task to Setup MS Word Environment 

Minimize / Maximize Ribbon Bar 

  • Right Click any where in ribbon bar 
  • A menu appears select Minimize the ribbon bar, this option will show / hide the ribbon bar 

Minimize The ribbon bar

Add / Remove Commands to Quick Access Tool bar 

  • Click a small arrow at the right side of Quick Access tool bar 
  • Select the commands which you want in quick access tool 
  • bar, if the command button is already present in quick access tool bar by clicking the command in the menu will disappear from quick access tool bar.
how to add buttons to quick access tool bar
Add / Remove Command to Quick Access Tool bar

Show / hide ruler bar 

There are two methods to show / hide ruler bar 
(1) Click View Ruler button present above the vertical scroll bar, this button shows / hides the ruler bar 

Using view buttons: 

  • View buttons are present at the right side of status bar, when you are creating document for print use Print Layout View, to see file with detail use normal view, for reading use reading layout view and so on

Zoom Out , zoom In, Zoom Level: 

These buttons are used to change the view size of document and are present at the right side of view buttons on the stats bar, Minus button is called zoom out button which decreases the zoom size of document , and the plus sign is Zoom In button which increases the zoom size, and the move able bar can also change the zoom size or also you can use zoom level percentage to change the zoom size of file.

Word Count:

As you type in Ms Word Ms Word shows the number of words , number of pages, current page on the status bar. 


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