Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Java IDE( Integrated Development Environment)

The JDK:

According to year 2016 the latest version of JDK is JDK 8. There are editions of JDK such as Standard Editions SE (Java SE) , Java Enterprise Editions (Java EE) and Java Micro Edition (Java ME). In this tutorial we will work with Java Standard Edition 8  (Java SE) 8 which is the latest version of JDK.

The Java IDE

  Ø IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, it is the Environment for Software Development It is called Integrated Development Environment because it is integrated with all the tools used for development. There are different IDE’s for java programming among which many are freely distributed. The popular IDE’s for java programming are Netbeans, Eclipse, Intellij, JDeveloper, DrJava, Android Studio, Blue J, Enide Studio, jEdit, JGrasp, JSource and so on. For this tutorials we use Netbeans IDE so we will focus on Netbeans only.
  Ø Before Installing Netbeans you must install JDK on your System, you can also install the Netbeans IDE with JDK selected from netbeans website
  Ø To download and install Netbeans IDE goto https://netbeans.org/downloads/

Why use Java IDE

  Ø You can develop java applications with JDK and a simple editor program such as notepad or notepad ++  but IDE offers many facilities such as
o   Editing / Writing Program
o   Compile & Interpret Program
o   Debugging
o   Linking
o   Loading
o   Executing
  Ø Hence it is easy to develop applications with an IDE instead of developing applications with JDK only.

Introduction to Netbeans IDE

NetBeans is an open source (freely distributed) IDE for the developing the software applications in many languages such as C, C++, PHP, Groovy etc. Netbeans IDE is written in Java. It is free and Powerful IDE that helps developers to develop cross platform web applications, desktop applications , mobile applications.

The Java Integrated Development Environment
Netbeans IDE

Main Parts of NetBeans IDE:

  Ø Menu bar
  Ø Folder View
  Ø Components View
  Ø Coding and Design View
  Ø Output View 

The Menu Bar:
The menu bar contains the Menus which are categorized according to functions they perform.
Menu Bar in NetBeans IDE
Menu Bar

Contains command for working with Projects and NetBeans IDE
Contains commands for editing
Used to display / Hide the various components of IDE
Contains navigational commands
Contains commands for overriding methods , Fixing Imports, inserting codes such as try – catch blocks.  
Allows to change the structure of the code and reflect changes made to the code
Compiles the source files, executes the application, and generate packaged build output, such as JAR or WAR file
Inserts breakpoints, watches, and attaches the debugger
Used for profiling an application with the help of a profiler which examines the time and memory usage of the application
Used for versioning application that helps to keep the backup of the files and tracing the modified source code files. It also allows to work with the shared source files present in the common repository
Provides tools for creating JUnit test cases, applying internationalization, and creating libraries. Through internationalization, applications can adopt to different languages without changing the source codes
Contains commands for working with different windows
Contains commands for help topics

Folder View:
Consist of Pallets like Files, Projects and Services 
NetBeans IDE Folder View
Folder View
Components View:
Contains the components in NetBeans IDE it consist of Navigator which you can use to navigate the components of in project
Code View: This view shows the Coding which we can edit for our programs.
Design View: Used to easily develop the applications with by dragging and dropping the various components such as Buttons, text fields, labels etc.

Components View 
Code Window:
This view shows the Coding which we can edit for our programs.

Code View Window
Code View 

Design Window:
Used to easily develop the applications with by dragging and dropping the various components such as Buttons, text fields, labels etc. 

Design Window in Netbeans
Designer Window
Output Window:
This window displays the output results 


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